10 Life Lessons And Anti-Bullying Messages Made Meaningful Through Chess


(This article is honor of National Chess Day and Bullying Prevention Month in October)

1. Chess teaches resilience; this is the ability to cope with and adapt to new situations – both wins and losses. Sometimes you will not see what is coming your way and unexpected things happen. This can happen in life, too. While you may fall down in life and face difficulties, remain strong by picking yourself back up and bouncing back stronger, wiser, and more powerful than before. Keep trying and eventually you will learn and grow! Resilience (also known as stick-to-itiveness), is a key component for emotional health and well-being.

2. Chess is a game that is played across cultures. By playing chess, you can build a relationship with another person even when the two of you are very different and do not speak the same language. As you play by the rules of the game, you can develop trust and share in a relationship with another person. Both sharing and trusting help form the foundations for good friendships in addition to acceptance, empathy, and generosity of the soul.

3. In chess, while capturing your opponent’s piece, you may unknowingly have exposed your piece to danger (capture), so plan ahead. In life, when you decide to stand up for yourself or a friend, you also need to plan accordingly. You may need others in your corner (this is similar to your “safe square” in chess). Friends, parents, trusted teachers, and people in authority (e.g., law enforcement), can be part of your support system, because sometimes problems are too big for you to solve on your own. Know your safe havens. Engage with grace and dignity with others, while doing unto others as you would have done to you.

4. You will make mistakes in chess and in life, too. Although you cannot undo your moves in chess or in life, you can always choose to make a better move next time. Own up to your mistakes and accept accountability for them. When you do lose, do not lose the lesson. Learn and grow from it because you can always make a better move next time. In life, happy people approach their own problems as solvable, recognizing that there are usually good solutions!

5. Realize that chess is just “Business on the Board,” and there should be no hard feelings when you play the game. You can be competitive, but when the game is over, it is over. In chess and in life, you may win sometimes and lose other times. Accept wins and losses with goodwill and sportsmanship toward others, stay focused on your own pleasant path, express gratitude, and dream big!

6. In chess, it is important to follow the rules so that there is a fair chance of winning. Remember that every chess piece can only move in a specific way according to the rules. In life, every person has his or her own strengths, vulnerabilities, or uniqueness which affects how they “move,” too. When we practice coexistence and inclusiveness, it is our job to empathize
with, care for, and respect people for their own power, susceptibilities, and differences.

7. There is a special move in chess called “Pawn Promotion.” When the Pawn is promoted, the pawn becomes a HERO because it becomes a Queen (or any other piece that the pawn wants to be!). The pawn uses foresight wisdom to predict competitor's moves on the board. Foresight wisdom is similar to using your intuition, which is based on your inner feelings. Using good thinking, following your guiding light, and dedicating yourself to good works can contribute to both your joy, success, and success of society!

8. Another special move in chess is called “Castling.” This happens when the King and the Castle (also known as the rook) switch places on the board so that the King is strategically placed in a safe and protected space by the Castle. In life, “castling” is similar to building the foundation for creating a safe and loving home and community for your family, friends, and neighbors. Surrounding yourself with people who inspire you to be a better person will help you to become the best version of yourself.

9. The Queen is the most powerful and admirable piece on the chessboard. In life, Queens (and other powerful people) ideally will use their authority with mindfulness and fairness. Remember, the definition of bullying - bullies have a power advantage over their targets, so, when you have power, use it graciously and wisely. Let’s create a culture of compassion and dignity.

10. In chess, you must be able to recognize when you need to get your pieces out of a bad situation. Fortunately, in chess the King is never allowed to put himself into check or checkmate. This is important in life, too. Follow your intuition and excuse yourself from people who do not make you feel good about yourself. Like the King, we should not put ourselves in bad situations. If behaviors around you are bad or people are being unkind to you, the right thing to do may be to “check out” of the situation instead of going for a “checkmate” by contributing to the conflict or seeking revenge. Sometimes, the best way to be-leave in yourself is to be-leaving a situation. Remember, you protect, love, and support you.