2012 US Junior, Better Than Last Year - Part 2!

I realize that it has been quite awhile since my last blog and even longer since the Junior.  I have been very busy the last few months and even right now I am in a plane on my way to play in the SPICE Cup Open in St. Louis, but I didn’t want to leave my last blog unfinished.  If you haven’t read it, you should definitely check out part one: (http://www.chesskid.com/learn/articles/2012-us-junior-better-than-last-year---part-1)!

Here are all the games to finish the US Junior with my comments and analysis in the games:

This tournament was a great experience for me and one of my favorite tournaments that I have participated in.

I hope you enjoyed my analysis and look at for upcoming blogs in which I plan to talk about the 2ndMetropolitan International where I achieved my third and final IM Norm!  Also I want to talk about the USCL, which has been great to have on Chess.com!  I have not been able to participant in this great event until this year in which I have been a Game of The Week judge.

Thanks for reading this brief finish to my US Junior experience and look for some upcoming blogs (Hopefully sooner than this one has been…But I make no promises Smile).