Announcing: October King of Puzzles Contest!

This event is now finished.

You asked for it ChessKids, and now it is here!

In October, will be hosting its first-ever King of Puzzles Contest.

The contest comes after the hugely successful and popular King of Fast Chess Contest in April, which ended in a tie between two ChessKids! More than 700 kids participated, and this time we want 1000+!

So what's the deal with our new contest? We want to see which ChessKids have become the best puzzle solvers on the site. It might be our most popular feature and now you get to show us why.

Best of all, you get a chance to win chess lessons with MASTERS and GRANDMASTERS!

Please read the rules carefully and remember to compete in the spirit of good sportsmanship, which is the foundation of chess.


You'll be able to follow some of the three categories from the Club Leaderboard, although the "rating gain" category is not yet a sortable field. So don't give up until then end -- you might be close to winning that category without even knowing it!

Again, ChessKid staff would like to stress that proper sportsmanship is expected for the contest. Resetting of puzzle ratings is not allowed, nor is any other method designed to give a ChessKid an unfair advantage.

ChessKid may conduct advanced and thorough cheat detection on any account. Anything not covered in the rules is at the sole discretion of

Don't forget to join the King of Puzzles Contest Club or we won't know you are competing!


The three winners will all receive $100 worth of private chess lessons with the country's best chess teachers. ChessKid will sponsor lessons with trusted masters and grandmasters. A ChessKid can only win one $100 prize. For distribution purposes, we will start with the "most puzzles solved" prize, then award "highest success percentage" then lastly "largest rating gain."