The Stonewall! Part Two

If you haven't read the first article on the Stonewall Dutch, you might want to start there. This is our second game in the opening, and here black chooses a different kind of attacking set-up to avoid trading off his good dark-squared bishop. You should choose this set-up when white plays d4, c4, and Nc3 in the first few moves, and has already or might later play Bf4. Instead of playing f5, Nf6, e6, d5, Bd6 and c6, black SHOULD play f5, Nf6, e6, Bb4, 0-0, b6, and Bb7. 




Notice that I made a lot more black moves than white moves: this is just so you can see where the pieces should go. Remember this set-up when your opponent plays d4, c4, and Nc3 in the first four moves, and still has the chance to play Bf4.

When you know where the pieces go, the attack looks easy, right? Stay tuned for our third and final article on the Dutch, which will show you what to do when white fianchettoes both bishops: we'll play positionally on the queenside with moves like b6, Bb7, and c5.