Ask Coach Jessica: How To Win Endgames!


Buenas, ChessKids!

Learn two positions and start winning your endgames!

Some people get very nervous around the end, because they aren't sure of the techniques needed to promote and win.

ChessKid "PickyDog" would like to know how to win if both players have one pawn left, and they are opposing each other. Is it possible?!

Naturally, it depends on the position we are talking about!

Memorize these two positions today to improve your rating and skill fast -- guaranteed by me, Mrs. Jessica E. Prescott (aka BoundingOwl).

image via school of thinking


1. The Magic Position!

You must know the Magic Position if you want to get your rating above 1200. With a king on the 6th rank, a pawn on the 5th rank, and the opposing king on the 8th rank, the king and pawn win no matter whose turn it is! Let's take a look.

And it's even easier if it's Black's turn. Try to promote! Black's just played Kf8.

With this knowledge, try a puzzle! Your job is to make sure you can get into the Magic Position. You have Black.

Hint: White's f-pawn is a goner...where would you like YOUR BLACK pawn to be when you capture it?


2. Trebuchet!

(Pronounced "treb-you-shet.")

This is a super-important endgame position where whoever moves loses! (That's also called zugzwang!)
Both kings are attacking and defending the pawns. But as soon as someone moves, buh-bye pawnie!
So, what should you play here?
BONUS! Notice how this position is slightly different? 
This position is going to be a draw because Black will be able to give White opposition, and White has not quite reached the Magic Position! (A one-rank difference makes a big difference!)

Black will continue to make opposition or go straight back when defending with the king until White pushes with check, and makes the game a wreck!

See the related study material below for a review on this critical king and pawn endgame stuff! Wink It's the key to endgame treasure!