Ask Coach Jessica: Opening Tricks on Move Two! Part 1

Hey everyone! Welcome back to another Wednesday Q&A! SpotlessStar wants to know what to do with the knights after e4 e5. So this week we are going to look at some tactics that happen if you make a poor choice on move two...and this happens ALL THE TIME. These opening tricks could completely destroy your opponent. You may not win with them every game - they're still just tricks after all - but understanding them will help you become a better player overall. By, Mrs Jessica E Prescott, aka BoundingOwl.

So, I'm talking normal opening stuff here. 1. e4 e5, White's a tiny bit better, no big deal. What is White's best move on the next turn? Probably Nf3. This moves gains a tempo, because you can attack the pawn in the center, develop a piece, and get ready to castle all at the same time. If you can get a tempo, it's probably a good move.

Do you know that the center of the board is the most important in the beginning of a chess game? Every player is itching to place his pawns, knights, and bishops there to attack the four center squares. Knights like to go to their happy squares!Laughing (Lots more choices than if they go to the side, as with Nh3.)

Now Black has to guard this pawn somehow. There are many ways to do it, and they are all bad except for one! My favorite bad choice for Black is 2...f6. This leads to awesomeness for White. Because Black has moved the dreaded f pawn, White can come crashing through with a knight sac then check!

And if I block with the g-pawn?


Fearsome fork! Naturally, 5...Qe7 gives Black a more exciting game than just blocking with the knight or bishop. But White is still nabbing that rook.

I think you'd be pretty happy if I played 4...Ke7, too. Can you find the next two moves that thrust the black king into the open where you'll be able to mate him?

Fun times! Let's look at another way to guard e5. What if you push the pawn on the other side, as in 2...d6? 

Believe it or not, this is a real opening called the Philidor Defense. It's not too popular these days, and I wouldn't recommend it. 2...d6 shuts out the bishop you just opened up one move ago! Where does your dark-squared bishop go now? OK, 2...d6 is not the worst thing Black can do. But it definitely isn't best! 
Well, if it's not a pawn move, it must be a piece! Stay tuned next week to see which one is best, and which is worst! What do you think is best and worst?


  • Watch the king chase that happens after you get him on the run after 2...f6 (or, watch the same action with rock music!);
  • Careful! When you're White, taking that e5 pawn early may not be as safe as it seems,
  • The "Philidor Defense" was the opening that created the most famous game in chess history - the Opera Game! Parts one and two!