Beasting Battered Batteries

Beasting Battered, Ms Jessica Era Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

This is one of the most popular checkmate patterns.  Once kids learn that bishops and queens can work together in a battery, there is no stopping them (the queens, bishops, and actually the children too).  H7 is a great target because it's on a white square and it's easy to get your queen and f-bishop into gobbling position.


A battery is both a "battering ram" like above, and it's a a modern-day battery, too.  It's basically like back-up Wink...  If the queen goes it alone, she may get eaten -- But with bishop tagging along behind her, she'll be safe.  That's what batteryfriends are for!





Sometimes there is something in your battery's way.  So, move it!






Did you notice the pin?  The remove the guard tactic?  (The answer is yes.)

Now for this next puzzle, you will combine different ideas:

  1. Remove the guard
  2. Check the king
  3. Skewer the queen to f7
  4. Pin f7 to the king
  5. Exploit the pin! (Take advantage of it.)







Easy stuff?  Of course!

Ta-da!  Naturally, this pattern can be beasted in a myriad of different ways.  Queens and bishops can line up to attack on g7, for instance.  Or two rooks can make a battery for a back rank mate.  Battery up!