Chess Merit Badge Tips: Chess Etiquette

Several traditions and rules in chess reinforce the ideal of treating your opponent with respect.

The U.S. Chess Federation’s Official Rules of Chess (6th Edition), edited by Tim Just, describes the rules that govern tournament play in this country. These are designed to guide tournament directors (TDs) in running an event and help players to understand what is expected of them.

Sections include a discussion of the conduct of players and spectators as well as a code of ethics. Scouts should understand that chess etiquette occurs before, during, and after a game and reinforces the ideals of fair play. Some of the questions below reference tournament play but some can be applied to even a friendly game of chess.


Starting the game, here are some questions to consider.

What does a player need to do prior to the start of a tournament game? (For example, when sitting down at the board.)

Sample answers:

Why do players shake hands at the start of the game?

Sample answer: To show respect.

Who determines what color pieces will be played?

Sample answers:

Why is talking to your opponent forbidden during the game?

Sample answers:

What does “J’adoube” mean and why do players say it (or its English equivalent) during the game?

Sample answers:

Why do tournament directors require players to turn off their cell phones?

Sample answers:

Why is it important to call a tournament director (TD) to the table if there is a dispute about the rules at your board?

Sample answers:

Ending a game, here are some questions to consider:

How many ways can a game of chess end?

Answer: Win, loss, or draw. Draws can be reached by one of several ways: by mutual agreement, insufficient mating material, three-fold repetition of the position, stalemate.

Why might players agree to a draw?

Sample answers:

In this position, after Black captures White’s rook, there will be insufficient mating material on the board (a bishop is not enough to deliver checkmate). So the players might agree to a draw here.

Why do players shake hands at the end of the game?

Answer: The handshake at the end of the game signifies that both players agree that a win, loss, or draw has occurred. Be certain that you know why your opponent has offered his/her hand before shaking hands! Make sure that you agree with the outcome of the game. The handshake also signifies respect for the other player.

How do players record the winner of the game?

Answer: If a result sheet is provided, the players circle one of the results – White Won, Draw, Black Won – and then sign their names. If a result sheet is not provided, there is likely to be a place on the pairing chart to record who won.

 Here are some questions to consider about writing your moves:

In a tournament, what can a player write down on the notation sheet? Why is this important?

Answer: Once the game has started, you can only write your moves on the notation sheet. You should make your move, then write that move down. Making any kind of notes on the sheet can be considered cheating. A player will be warned about making notes on their paper and, if he persists, the player may forfeit the game.

If you have made a mistake in recording your moves, can you ask for help from the other player?

Answer:  Yes, you may ask your opponent to see his/her notation sheet while your clock is running.

Here are some questions to consider about the chess clock:

Who determines on which side of the board a chess clock is placed?

Answer: Normally, the player of the Black pieces determines which side of the board the clock is placed. In some tournaments, the TD will require all clocks to be placed on the same side of the board.

With which hand does the player press the clock?

Answer: You press the clock with the same hand that moved the piece on the board.

When can you pause the clock during a game?

Answer: You cannot pause the clock to go to the bathroom. You can pause the clock if there is a question about the rules and you need to call a TD to your board.



Note from Jerry Nash: Scout leaders and parents should know that the questions listed in these articles are meant to be used as a starting point and a guide for the type of questions and critical thinking you should be encouraging in your scouts. These questions are mere samples of the kinds of questions that could be asked. By providing a few answers within the articles, we mean to help those new to chess not feel completely overwhelmed with the information, and to help provide context to the type of knowledge that should be gained through the experience. Happy scouting, and happy chess merit badging!