Chess Merit Badge Tips: Opening Principles

Once scouts have learned how the pieces move and capture, they will want to play a game of chess.

A game of chess is normally divided into the opening, the middlegame, and the endgame. The following tips are provided to help your scouts navigate the opening.

Needless to say, many books have been written on each phase of the game but these tips illustrate how players can get a good start to their games without being overwhelmed by too much information. As players gain experience, they may want to consult books or coaches for help in improving each phase of their game.


Here are three tips for the opening. 

  1. Develop your pieces from the back rank.
  2. Control the center of the board.
  3. Attack and defend.

Develop your pieces from the back rank with as few pawn moves as necessary. When possible, attack or defend while you are developing.

In the diagram below, White moved his knight on the second move – developing a piece on the back rank and attacking Black’s pawn on e5. Black’s second move was Nc6 – developing a piece and defending at the same time.

Control the center of the board – particularly the squares e4, d4, e5, and d5 – with pawns and pieces. By the way, chess players differentiate between pawns and pieces when they discuss chess even though technically a pawn is a chess piece.

Below, which side has greater control of the center?

Answer: Black’s pieces and pawns have greater control of the center squares. They attack those squares more than once so any white piece that landed on one of those squares would likely be taken. White has wasted time and effort on moving pawns on each wing and putting the knights at the edge of the board.

Below, it is Black’s move. Can you think of some possible moves that improve Black’s position?

Sample answer: Bc5 or Nf6 both develop pieces toward the center and prepare the king for castling.



Note from Jerry Nash: Scout leaders and parents should know that the questions listed in these articles are meant to be used as a starting point and a guide for the type of questions and critical thinking you should be encouraging in your scouts. These questions are mere samples of the kinds of questions that could be asked. By providing a few answers within the articles, we mean to help those new to chess not feel completely overwhelmed with the information, and to help provide context to the type of knowledge that should be gained through the experience. Happy scouting, and happy chess merit badging!