Chess Merit Badge Tips: The Benefits Of Chess

Chess affects literacy, math, critical thinking, and life skills.

As scouts play chess, they reinforce skills necessary for academic success and for life! Draw attention to these benefits by exploring the various aspects of chess learning. Then have scouts share with others how chess improves these skills.


For example, see the diagram below:

What material is on the board?

Answer: a white king and queen; a black king and rook

Does it matter whose move it is?

Answer: Yes. White to move can checkmate in one move by moving the queen to a8. Black to move can move the rook to a7 giving check. When the white king moves, the black rook can win the queen.

What do you need to know to discuss this position?

Sample answers:



Critical thinking:

Life skills:



Note from Jerry Nash: Scout leaders and parents should know that the questions listed in these articles are meant to be used as a starting point and a guide for the type of questions and critical thinking you should be encouraging in your scouts. These questions are mere samples of the kinds of questions that could be asked. By providing a few answers within the articles, we mean to help those new to chess not feel completely overwhelmed with the information, and to help provide context to the type of knowledge that should be gained through the experience. Happy scouting, and happy chess merit badging!