Tuesdays Will Have Site-Wide Live Tournaments!


Recently ChessKid added the ability for coaches to host live tournaments, but now ChessKid is going to host weekly live tournaments for the entire world!

That's right! For the first time ChessKids from all over the world will have a chance to win a ChessKid tournament in our live ("fast chess") server. We're calling it "Tournament Tuesday!"

The tournaments are just for fun but a great way to get a good challenge. They follow the "Swiss System" which means that no one is eliminated -- you play ChessKids with the same number of points as you as the tournament progresses.

Here's the schedule and how the tournaments will work. Please read all the instructions carefully if your ChessKid wants to compete!

Our live tournaments are still technically in beta, and we're working hard to add even more features and get rid of any bugs.

If you are a coach and have ideas for improvements, please join the Parents and Coaches Club and reply to the forum about live tournaments feedback.

Have fun and good luck!