ChessKid For Parents And Kids


ChessKid is safe. ChessKid is fun. ChessKid will keep your kid motivated to learn and improve chess skills.

Our star-awarding tools like Puzzles and Fast Chess provide encouragement to kids, even through the natural growing pains of learning the challenging game of chess. Our Levels system keeps kids striving to up their level at all times, and you will notice immediate differences in their over-the-board results.

Check our our video tutorial series with step-by-step instructions on how to use the many features available to you! 

Testimonials by Parents

In recent years, chess has taken my life by storm. As a parent volunteer, a girls' chess coordinator at a fast-growing chess club in Madison, and a student of the game (to keep up with these smart kids), I have no choice but to figure out this "chess thing."

ChessKid makes this a fun experience. It holds your hand through the initial learning phase and takes you through the more advanced planning and strategy. ChessKid offers different ways of learning. Through lessons, videos, puzzles, tournaments, fast and slow chess, it actively helps players cultivate their chess life and all the life lessons that go with the royal game.

 —Beena Chopade, Chess Mom


I cannot beat my second grader at chess. This fact does not sadden me or make me feel ashamed. It fills me with pride and is a testament to the benefits of ChessKid and a strong school chess program.  

As a parent that learned chess as a child, I thought I could impart my knowledge to my son, and I a certain level. My son then joined the chess team at Rainbow Elementary in first grade.  Rainbow Elementary provides all their students with access to ChessKid.

As soon as my son had ChessKid, he was hooked. He would wake up in the morning and go straight to his computer to watch videos, solve puzzles, and play games of Fast Chess. The longer my son used ChessKid, the more difficult it became to beat him.  It became so difficult that I signed up for a ChessKid account and would secretly do puzzles while my son slept. To be honest, it helped me. 

As parents, it is our responsibility to give our children the instruction and tools necessary to be the best that they can be. ChessKid provides both the instruction and the tools. 

Bradley Wallace, Chess Dad

Testimonials by Kids

On ChessKid, it’s safe because it’s all kids online. There are
videos by strong players that you can watch, tactics you can solve,
and chess articles that you can read. You can also connect to other
kids from as far as Rhode Island to California.

I spend a lot of time in solving tactics puzzles online, and that is
why I am very good in tactics.


—Carissa, ChessKid



Chess kid helped me a lot when I was learning how to
play chess. The videos were funny and I learned a lot from them. I spend a lot of time doing tactics trainer and it makes me a better chess player. 

ChessKid is the reason I started playing chess.

You should sign up. It's fun to play, learn, and share.


—Rowan, ChessKid


ChessKid helped me improve so I can beat my dad.

ChessKid helped my sister and me meet our goal of qualifying for the World Youth Championship. I like ChessKid because it's fun and I can play any time.

The 2012 ChessKid Online Championship was very tough, and helped prepare me to tie for fourth place at the World Youth Championship. 

Joaquin is now a regular user of


—Joaquin, ChessKid



It was a great tournament experience (the 2014 ChessKid National Invitational Championship) for me. Every round was hard-fought. I was very nervous during the Armageddon playoff. I'm glad I ended up with the black pieces.

Kevin is now a regular user of


—Kevin, ChessKid