ChessKid Lands in New Orleans!

The first-ever New Orleans Chess Fest teamed up with in October. A full day of simuls, blindfold chess, "living" chess, and even an appearance from Paul Morphy capped a full day of chess.

Thanks to hosts Michael Tisserand, the Rosa F. Keller Library and Community Center, and many other volunteers, more than 250 kids participated.

The first event as you walked in the door was the famous puzzle station! Kids earned prizes ranging from t-shirts to pens to free one-year gold memberships!

Look closely -- this ChessKid is about to play ...Qxg2 mate! (all photos courtesy Cecilia Tisserand)

Next up FunMasterMike played blindfold and the same time!!! He played two ChessKids with five minutes on the clock and eeked out victories in both games Laughing!

FunMasterMike...relying on his sense of smell to play?

From there followed two simultaneous exhibitions. Chicago-area teacher Robby Rasmussen, former National High School Blitz Champion, took on about 20 kids and adults.

Coach Robby Rasmussen in action

FunMasterMike was called back into service for a simul of his own. Over the course of two hours, he scored 23 wins, one draw to Miles Tisserand and one loss to Louisiana Expert Connor Lunney.

Also going on all day were quick chess quad tournaments, run by Leila D'Aquin. Here she shows that you can still do pairings by hand.

Look mom -- no computers!

You can't talk New Orleans without food, and this food truck sold all the staples of Southern cooking.

Just after lunch a Harry-Potter-style "living" chess game was re-enacted by FunMasterMike and a man who bore a striking similarity to "Paul Morphy," the first unofficial world champion of chess.
Paul Morphy?
FunMasterMike as "Mr. Hart," an opponent from a famous game in 1854

The two 19th century gentlemen used sartorial and chess wizardy to reproduce this game for the crowd to see.

The pieces were played by 32 local ChessKids!

Well, actually 34 kids participated. Two were in charge of corralling the captured pieces!

And it wouldn't be New Orleans without a few other additions, including live music...

...and local legend Jude Acers giving a lecture!

For those that have never seen him play in the French Quarter, Jude Acers is never seen without his beret.

These kids got in the Halloween spirit a few days early:

But you can't blame them -- so did the grownups!

Look for the next New Orleans Chess Fest in 2015 and be sure to visit as we travel the country in the upcoming months! You can find us at events in Atlanta, GA; Salt Lake City, UT; Bay Area, CA; Charlotte, NC; Orlando, FL; Normal, IL and Brownsville/McAllen/Harlingen, TX!