Coming January 9: FunMasterMike's 'My Fault Cup'

Edit -- Winners are now announced! Congratulations to these 30 players who qualified for a private mini-camp with FunMasterMike!

K Winners: AakashJ, AquaShyMath, shlokee, freegladcandy, FunFrailPhoenix

1st Winners: SomersetOwenX, AtomicSillyTiger, TariqYue20, suIndu12, LoudNinthPen

2nd Winners: RealHappyArm, FairMinorShadow, SuperLeo1, AmbitiousWormHog, MottuPuppy

3rd Winners: CalmBerserkTetra, GreasyAluminum, FutureBus, LucaTM122719, CoolStormyGem

4th Winners: RohanR15739716, MiniMilitaryTempo, harshu27, FineVulture, WildFriendlyAnimal

5th Winners: MSCFriSebbyS, AwkwardWhale, KingAvaan, RealCleverLaugh, GoldMessyLuck


All chess players know that sometimes you have a great idea that does not go as planned. Unfortunately, this is exactly what happened for the younger players of the US Chess/ChessKid K12 Showdown. Everyone makes mistakes in life, and frankly, this was ChessKid's biggest one in our 10 years as a web site.

We've learned from it. I've learned from it. And what’s also important is how we respond to those mistakes. Our kids are our customers, and we let them down. They signed up for two days of fun and challenges, and they got a long day first day of mostly waiting. On behalf of the ChessKid team, I am deeply sorry.

Our top disappointment from the K12 showdown was the lack of chess being played. While we quickly organized a quick event on the Sunday, we also want to give kids a chance to win something very cool: a chance to have their games reviewed by FunMasterMike himself in a private camp!

FunMasterMike My Fault Cup

Introducing the FunMasterMike My Fault Cup! All ChessKids in grades K-5 who were registered for the K12 showdown are invited to play in this special tournament scheduled for Saturday January 9th, 2021 starting at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern

The show will be live on and also and


The tournament will be 6 rounds with a time control of 10+2. There will be six sections, one for each grade K-5. The top five kids in each section (after tiebreaks) will win an invitation to a mini-camp held by FunMasterMike, where they will have one of their games reviewed!

There is no cost for this tournament, however it is only open to those players who were registered in the K-5 sections for the original event. There are absolutely no exceptions to this. This is an individual-only event; no team prizes. This event is not US Chess rated, nor is it being co-organized with them. 

Important Information and Registration