Crushing the Castle: Great Gatsby! G7 is Gone!

Crushing the Castle: Great Gatsby!  G7 is Gone!  By, Mrs Jessica Era Prescott (nee Martin) aka BoundingOwl

Good day fellow chessers!  Today we will break through another castle wall.  You know how f7 is the square of doom?  Well, it is, totally, ...until black castles.  Then, g7 and h7 become doom machines.  We are going to focus on g7 (and g2) in this article.


What happens when the g-file is already open?  Solve these puzzles to become a Certified Castle-Crusher.

1.    White to move and sacrifice his or her queen move one!  Look for discovered double checks.  Mate in 3.  (Bonus:  Black to move and win, too!)






2.  Hint:  Notice that battery on the g-file.  Wouldn't you like your queen to be first?  Mate in 2.





3.  Use a little deflection to open up your battery on the juicy g-file.  White to move and mate in 3.






4.  White to move and first THREATEN a discovery.  So not necessarily check move one.  If they capture, it's mate in 2.






Oh generous g-pawn, thank you for your sacrifice.  OK bye! 

In conclusion, freshly grown strawberries in your own backyard taste awesome.  So do checkmates that you grow yourselves, after planting the seeds from this lesson.