Crushing the Castle: No Stone Left Unturned

Crushing the Castle:  No Stone Left, Mrs Jessica Era Prescott (nee Martin) aka BoundingOwl

Halloo!  More castle crushing!  Just...can't...get...enough.  Remember that if you are not castled, the weak squares are f2 and f7.  But when you castle (and when he castles) the weak squares change to g2, g7 and h2, h7.  Do you know why? Click that link and check out the video if you don't!


                               ( say yes )......

In these positions, black will have pawns on g7 and h6.  The f pawn has gone bye-bye.  Once the g pawn goes, Monsieur King is awfully lonely.  It is your job to find the weakness and destroy the king!


6 checkmate puzzles for you!

1.  Sacrifice your queen and trap the king with a minor piece.



2.  Did you get the answer to number one right?




3.  This time black gets to crush white's castle.  Same pattern.  But now a little harder because you have to see that when white blocks with the queen, it is pinned.  Every move is check.  Mate in 4!!




4.  White to move.  Deflect the king and lure him toward you.  Mate in three ending in a Swallow's Tail Mate.




5.  A helper mate.  Sacrifice and whoever takes you back exposes a new weakness.



6.  Use all your pieces.  Sac the lady first, but be sure you know why you are giving up your queen!




Voila! Chess is fun!