Crushing the Castle: Puzzle Problem Set Remove the Guard

Crushing the Castle:  Puzzle Problem Set Remove the Guard part 1 By, Ms Jessica Era Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Welcome to your chess brain!  Inside your brain we will be discovering how to crush our opponent's castles.  Have you seen these videos first?  This is fun.  We get to be mean and sneaky and sacrifice all sorts of stuff.  Chess is not always life. Okay.  You should know that.  Some similarities but not always.


Sometimes you want to get into the castle but knocking politely doesn't seem to work.  "Pardon me," you could say to the soldier guarding the door.  "I'm here to break in and trap your king.  Sound okay?  K thanks." 

Instead, you have to resort to tactics.  Remove the guard, break into the castle!


1)  We will do the first one for you.  White wants to eat the rook, but the bishop is guarding it.  So first we eat the bishop, then we eat the rook!  Lunchtime!






2)  Your turn.  You would like to eat the rook again.  But some one is stopping you.  Eat it!






3)  Still ... must... eat...rooks...






4) One of black's pieces is a tooth about to fall out...









5) A fat loose tooth on the wrong side of the board...






6)  Look for forcing moves to deflect the king away.








7)  More forcing moves to eliminate loose teeth.






Easy peasy lemon squeezy?

Things to remember:

1.  Don't automatically trade:  look for a way to win for free.

2.  Look for loose teeth on the board.

3.  Forcing moves are checks, threats and captures.