Crushing the Castle: Remove the Guard Puzzle Set 2

Crushing the Castle:  Remove the Guard Puzzle Set 2 by Ms Jessica Era Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Tactics are tricks to help you win games.  There are probably 10 or so main tactics, and then like a bazillion variations and combinations of them.  A bazillion is a big number.  So we are just going to show you the main pattern, and then it's YOUR job to find the same patterns on your chessboard.

Remove the guard is a good trick to use in combination, with, say, checkmate.  It can also help you to win material.  Have you seen these videos first?  Removing the guard or defender is similar in theme to decoying or deflecting.  Basically it's like being a huge bully---you get their piece out of your way at all costs.


1.  Slow down.

2.  Don't make automatic trades.

3.  Look for loose pieces (only guarded once).

4.  Look for forcing moves.


Solve these puzzles.

1.  Who is guarding the queen?  Eliminate!









2.  Who is guarding the queen this time?  Eliminate it!









3.  What is the black queen defending?  Remove her!







4.  What square is the black queen guarding that you need for checkmate?






5.  Who is guarding the rook?  Remove it!









6.  Black to move and win a knight in two moves.



Did you get it?  You are sort of walking around going, "Who is guarding you? ...  ELIMINATED!"  Check your results:

1/6  Minnow

2/6  Seagull

3/6 Osprey

4/6 Rhinoceros

5/6 King Cobra

6/6 Laughing Hyena HAHAHAHHA!Laughing