Hiya! This puzzle set is not for beginners. You must solve the previous puzzle set first: The Hard Puzzles. Plus you have to see the videos first! These tactics are all discoveries. You must first recognize the need to get three pieces all lined up on a rank, file or diagonal. Remember, only a queen, bishop, and rook can create a discovery. Those are your long-range pieces.
Good luck, friends.
May the forcing moves be with you...
1.) Black to move. You're in check!! Get out of check using a discovery, then, CHECKMATE in two!
2.) Black to move. A queen sac, but you get it back.
3.) Black to move. Line up your queen with your hide-away rook. The D-File is Deviously Discoverable!
4.) White to move. A discovered attack-pin-fork-checkmate!! Yes, this is a major combination. Notice how your rooks make a battery...
5.) White to move. Discovered attack, THEN a queen sac for mate.
6.) Black to move. *Insanely difficult! This trick uses an intermezzo (also known as zwischenzug or in-between move). First, a disco queen, then, capture-check. After your intermezzo, eat the queen!
How did you do?
These puzzles were definitely hard. You should be proud to get a good result. If you aren't sure about your answers, click on the MOVE LIST so you can go through it more slowly. Do not move on until you understand each puzzle. That's how you learn!