This is a quick guide to a video series:
The Devious Discovery is a very fun chess tactic that can be used in all kinds of situations to surprise and defeat your opponent. The series goes from beginner to advanced levels over 10 videos. It expects that you have already watched the series on Scintillating Skewers.
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The Devious Discovery 1: This video defines what a discovered attack is.
The Devious Discovery 2: One of the most effective ways to use a discovered attack is by manufacturing a double attack with it. Learn how here!
The Devious Discovery 3: In this one the student will learn about a very important kind of discovered attack, the discovered check!
The Devious Discovery 4: Works on improving the student's ability to spot good targets for the devious discovery.
The Devious Discovery 5: Learn the PinkHamster's favorite chess tactic of all-- the double check. Check from two pieces doesn't leave the opponent many ways to save their king!
This is a good time to take a break from watching videos and test yourself with a set of puzzles!
The Devious Discovery 6: In this video, you will be testing yourself on what you've learned in the previous videos.
We suggest you take another break from watching videos and test yourself with another set of puzzles! if you like...
The Devious Discovery 7: Learn one more technique for winning material using a discovered attack.
Guess what!! We have another set of puzzles to make sure you are learning!!
The Devious Discovery 8: Here you learn how to turn your opponent's pins into your discovered attacks!
The Devious Discovery 9: Now you will learn one of the most fun chess tactics ever, the Windmill. The Windmill harnesses the power of the discovered attack to create an infinite series of checks and captures. Sounds devastating, right? It is!
The last set of complementary puzzles that we have created for this series is called THE HARD PUZZLES. So, don't blame us if they make you tear out your hair! You were warned!
The Devious Discovery 10: IM Danny Rensch wraps up this 10 part video series on Discoveries by teaching us to feel the "potential" for hidden discovered attacks buried in our positions, and how "dig up" this buried treasure!
I hope you enjoyed this series! You should now have a good handle on the Devious Discovery. You can go on to Deadly Double Checks ...