Disco Dancing with Double Checks

Disco Dancing with Double Checks, by Ms Jessica Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Today we will learn how to duke it out over the chessboard with the discovered double check! Disco checks are fun because they are so unexpected.  First, there's no check in sight, then BAM! Surpise check!  TIME OUT:  they have to deal with your check first, and meanwhile you are capturing things!


Let's take a look:

Notice how the rook, bishop and king are all lined up in the same straight line.  The piece in the middle moves away, and the piece BEHIND it gives check!
What other tactics use three pieces in the same straight line?  I will give you a hint: What if the white bishop were a black bishop? Then it would be__________ (absolutely pinned).  Bonus points if you can figure out what black should play here...(Qf1+ skewer!)

So after the white bishop moves to either b4 or g3, the king has to escape from danger from the rook that was BEHIND the bishop, and then bye-bye-Queenie next turn!!  Did you discover that check all on your own? 


How about this one?

The most powerful kind of check is the discovered double check.  Usually you can move, block or capture to escape from danger, but in double check, you can only move your king!  This is very often an unpleasant surprise for your opponent.

Nope!  Black is definitely not winning if it's white's turn here!  White will play dxe7 checkmate!!  Nobody can capture the pawn because the queen would still be attacking the king; the king can't take the pawn because it's guarded by the rook; and no one can capture or block the queen's check, because then the pawn would still be putting the king in danger.  Whew!

Disco double checks aren't always going to be mate, but it sure is fun when they are!  Now you do one!

Stay tuned for the Venus Fly Trap Disco Checkmate Trick...

Here is a preview:

Find a discovered double check and 1,000 bonus points if you can make checkmate 2 moves after that!

Until then---keep dancing!