F goes AWOL

When f-Pawns Go AWOL, by Ms Jessica Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Today we will learn about trickier missing-f-pawn mates. Remember learning about castling?  The king is sleeping in his castle on g8.  His head is on his pillow (rook). The blankie (pawns) are safely and warmly covering his toes

Well, here is a story about what happens when the F-Pawn goes missing. 

One night, a certain blankie pawn gets itchy. He decides to snag a hole and tear himself away!  He runs and runs.  He sees beautiful pawntrees in the distance.  But soon F-Pawn gets tired and only goes one step.  He thinks he can smell pancakes and gets hungry for breakfast.  He wants to turn around, but he can never go back home.  F-Pawn is lost.  He's all alone and he's about to get eaten by a giant, pawn-eating horse.

Sadly, he awaits his doom. Hoping no one will see part of a blanket in the middle of a chess board.

Meanwhile, the king's toes are getting chilly...

What do you do about it?

Last one is trickiest!  Mate in 6!!  This is the same pattern of course.  Just zigzag your way in there.

Great work!  Your blanket will never rip again!