Ready for a mate in eight? Maybe that would be hard to do without knowing what pattern to look for. Remember that chess is full of amazing patterns and combinations. When you recognize these shapes and moves in your games you are growing into a SuperChesser! Then the mates are easy (well, easier than before).
The pattern we are going to talk about today is Damiano's Mate. Pedro Damiano made up this swanky sacrificing checkmate five HUNDRED years ago. And we STILL think it's cool!
Here's how it's done. Watch carefully. It's the old-fashioned sac-everything-then-win routine. Fun stuff!
Your turn! Begin this puzzle with a sacrifice to open up the h file. That way your rook can be on an open file.
Who wants pizza?!
You just solved a mate-in-8! Go modestly brag to your parents.
Have you created your own pattern yet? See you next week! Don't forget to do your tactics homework.