First Ever Official Fast Chess Tournament has long had Slow Chess Tournaments. For a long time kids have requested Fast Chess Tournaments. Well, the wait is finally over. The PinkHamster will be running the first ever Official Fast Chess Tournament over the next several weeks, and broadcasting the games live on ChessKid TV!

How Do I Get In?

The players of this first tournament have already been detemined. Every week on my show, In the PinkHamster's Wheel, I give a different Puzzle of the Week for the kids to ponder. These puzzles are very difficult and only kids who put in a lot of effort throughout the week are able to solve them in most cases. The kids who have solved the hardest Puzzles of the Week over the past month or two have been invited to participate in this tournament.

There is one wild card slot to be filled. The first kid to solve Puzzle of the Week #20 will be added to this tournament.

UPDATE: SourJam was the first to solve Puzzle #20, and he is in!

List of players

MahoganyMouse (mattguy444)

Tournament Rules

This tournament will take place over three weeks. Each week is one "Round" meaning one game is played by each kid per week. The pairings, which tell each kid who they will be playing, will be posted at the beginning of the week. Participants have 1 week to play their game in Fast Chess. Games played during one of my ChessKid TV shows will be reviewed LIVE on ChessKid TV. The best games completed at other times will also be reviewed on ChessKid TV.


Check back here for Pairings! Every game played in this tournament will be reviewed in an Article, or on ChessKid TV.