Her Move Next: Getting Girls Into Chess

Article by Chloe Cohen. Lead image of GM Hou Yifan courtesy WorldQuant and UBS.

Well into its second season, Her Move Next is changing the game of chess. Sorry, pawns still cannot move backward, but other changes to the chess world are well on their way.

Her Move Next (HMN) is a New York City-based organization that aims to challenge the gender stereotypes that surround chess. Chess is still typically considered a male-dominated sport. After the organization's first tournament in 2018, HMN has blossomed into a prominent player in the scholastic chess space. 

Female coaches serve as role models for younger girls. Photo courtesy Neot Doron-Repa. 

HMN prides itself on its unique tournament format. Female participants, some playing their first rated tournament, are assigned to one of four teams: the red team, yellow team, green team, or blue team. Each team is led by HMN coaches, who not only analyze players' games, but also boost camaraderie and friendship. 

Her Move Next

There's more than black and white color battles with Her Move Next! Photo courtesy Neot Doron-Repa.

All HMN coaches are United States Chess Federation (USCF) rated female scholastic players, with a deep passion for chess. These coaches provide participants with a role model that they can relate to.
Players compete for both individual and team awards. Games are organized in a quad format, in which players compete with girls with comparable ratings. For example, the highest-rated players on each team would form the first quad. In addition, the four teams compete to win the most games overall by the end of the event. What makes HMN unique is the sheer amount of fun the girls have while playing competitive chess and simultaneously making new friendships.

Her Move Next
The many faces of the new generation of chess. Photo courtesy Neot Doron-Repa. 

HMN also aims to prepare girls for a world beyond "checkmate." The advantages of playing chess go far past success on the board. Chess teaches strategic thinking, team work, and good sportsmanship. Not to mention, chess is fun to play! HMN creates a fun and welcoming environment for girls to explore chess. Who knows? One of these girls may just be a future chess World Champion! 

The next three Her Next Move tournaments will be on these Saturdays: April 4, May 2, and June 7.