Knight Knifing Knavery

Knight Knifing, Ms Jessica Era Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Deadly discovered attacks happen all the time.   Trust me:  my students played in a tournament yesterday and there were at least 3 in each game.  Okay, they didn't always discover them during the game...but everyone is smarter during analysis.

This trick sets up a nasty disco attack, and a checkmate threatWhen one piece threatens two things, that's also called a double attack.  If you don't remember these tactics, click on the underlined words.  The knight will be your runner.

For white, you need:

1.  A knight on f5.

2.  Black to be castled kingside.

3.  A queen to get to g4 easily.


Here is a juicy example:

Did you notice both threats?

Now we are going to combine a whole bunch of tactics!  You are definitely professional enough to do this now. 

First, a deflection sacrifice.  Then, the double attack threat.

By the way, black can always do the same tricks as white.  What square would a black knight need to be on to set up the threat?  In the following position, white just played Nxe5, thinking that black would simply capture back.  But she has better!

Trickier knight knavery next time...