Knight Power

In chess, the Knight has the special ability to jump over other pieces (both your own and the enemy's). It can also move in two directions at once! No other piece can move in an "L" type direction (two squares in one direction, and then one square in an entirely different direction).

Because of the Knight's awesome ability to move in this way, as well as the ability to "jump" over and around other pieces, it provides for unique and powerful tactics which we will see examples of and explore below:

Let us first take a look at the most common and basic function of the Knight in tactics, the Knight fork:


Now is your chance to practice the Knight fork:
Next we will see how the Knight can play a part in delivering checkmate to win the game:
And now is your chance to practice the "Smothered Mate" technique you learned above:
Now that you have learned the ideas and patterns for using the Knight in tactics, below is a group of assorted "Knight Problems" to help you practice and remember the key ideas and patterns:
We hope you enjoyed this lecture on what many consider to be the most dynamic chess piece: The Knight! May your Knight Forks be full of fun!