Mate in Two: Magnet Attack Puzzles

Buenos dias!  Today we will look at Magnet Attack Checkmates!  That means  we use tactics like decoys and deflections to lure pieces where we want them.  By, Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl).

Each puzzle is white to move and make checkmate in two moves.  The first move is check!

Here is an example of using magnets to attract a piece.  In this position, we will decoy the king to force him to land on his mating square.  Here kingy kingy!

Now you try!  Lure the king closer to the white side of the board with a bishop check.  Then, Swallow's Tail Mate!
In puzzle two, you get to sac your queen for a back rank mate!  Your little pawn keeps the king on his 8th rank.
Nice!  Now another back rank, but which rook to use?  Maybe both!  Instead of luring toward, you will lure away...
Finally, what's a queen worth to you?   Some people are so attached to her they would never even consider a queen trade.  Here, the best move is to get rid of her!  Say, Bu-bye queenie; the bishop is more valuable!!  (He is going to make the checkmate!)Surprised
Fabulous work!  So get ready to magnetize next time you play chess!  (Maybe this is how Magnus does it?)  Place this sticker on your forehead when you're read to use your decoy or deflection tactics.  Tongue OutClick for more practice!