Mate in Two Practice Problems

There's this old joke where someone asks, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?"  And instead of giving directions, you're supposed to answer:  "Practice, practice, practice!"  (Do you know what Carnegie Hall is?  A super famous fancy auditorium where amazing musicians perform for lots of money!)  Practice with Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl) how to force checkmate in two moves.  Click on any words you don't know (that are blue).

chess the musical.jpg

Remember that forcing moves give your opponent very few choices.  Checks, threats, and captures are examples of forcing moves.  These puzzles will all start with check!  White to move in all puzzles today! 

There is a hint for each puzzle.

1.  Try to get the king closer to enemy territory.  Do you remember the name of this checkmate?



Swallow's Tail Mate---my personal favourite!


2.  Sack the queen to get the king in position for a back rank mate.  (By the way, if they don't accept your sack, it's still mate!)




3.  Which rook, which rook?  This is an example of a decoy.





4.  This amazing puzzle is also a queen sack.  Lure the king to the edge.





5.  Again you will make a sacrifice to lure the king over.  Your checkmate will be a battery.  It's not a mate in one, you guys!!





6.  Use a pin to get a back rank mate.  Checkmate is better than material!

Are you ready for Carnegie Hall yet? Wink  It is important to revisit patterns that you know already.  Why do you think it's important?
king thinking black.png