Spend A Week With Mikhail Tal


Mikhail Tal was the eighth world chess champion, and his nickname was the “Magician From Riga”. Have you ever seen a live magic show with amazing tricks? Have you ever wondered “how did he do that?” or “where did it go?”. Well, Tal’s opponents were often sitting at the chessboard wondering the same thing.


Tal's Magical Chess Summer Camp:

June 26 to June 30 - Learn from the Greats: Mikhail Tal

The coaches at Magnus Chess Academy think that Tal’s games are so magical and so much fun that they decided to make a chess summer camp all about him.

Witness Tal's Magical Tricks:

In the camp you can see some of his greatest 'magic' tricks at the chessboard:

Mikhail Tal Riga

A statue of Mikhail Tal in Riga, Latvia.

Finding Your Chess Style:

Tal’s style was unique, but have you ever thought about your own chess playing style? Do you like to play it safe? Maybe trade all the pieces off and simplify into a winning ending? Or do you enjoy complicated positions and wild tactics?

Embrace the Magic:

Tal was definitely NOT someone to play it safe. He loved to create positions where all his pieces were hanging. That’s what made his playing style magical. Maybe his sacrifices were sound but maybe they were just illusions. Tal welcomed chaos at the chessboard and his opponents were often left scratching their heads. Some modern players, like Dubov and Rapport, play some pretty crazy games. Maybe you could be the next magician?

Discovering Tal's Games:

A lot of people include Tal among their favorite chess players of all time. Fun Master Mike thinks that Tal was the original Fun Master

Today, it is easy to analyze Tal’s games with a computer and decide whether each move was brilliant or just a confusing magic trick. But Tal was world champion from 1960-1961, right around the time the first silicon chip was invented. There were definitely no chess engines helping Tal or his opponents to prepare for the games.

Join the Tal Chess Summer Camp:

In our summer camp, you will have a chance to solve puzzles and analyze positions from Tal’s games. We will also see some tactics and defensive resources that have been discovered using computers. His moves weren’t always right, but they were always difficult to refute.

Magnus Chess Academy Summer Camps:

Magnus Chess Academy has a whole summer of camps available, not just Tal. Each camp is different, but they are all inspirational and will help you to get better at chess. We have a list of all the camps. Don’t forget that ChessKid members receive a discount. See our summer of camps page for details.

Camp Information:

For Beginners:

In the Tal camp, you will learn chess with kids at a similar skill level. For beginner groups, our coaches have carefully selected key moments from Tal’s games where he used basic tactics and checkmate patterns. We have broken the tactics down into step-by-step quizzes so that beginners don’t have to solve long tactical combinations.

For Advanced Players:

If you are in an advanced group, you can really do a deep dive. Expert coaches will guide you through complete games, so you will see how the magician set the stage for his greatest tricks. Advanced groups will also work on their defensive skills, trying to find improvements.


   Register Here!   

ChessKid Member Discount:

Make your summer plans early and enjoy an exclusive ChessKid discount on your child's summer camp registration. Get 20% off the regular weekly camp pricing by using the coupon code: CK  


Your camp coach is a super skilled chess player, ready to tackle all your burning questions and teach you awesome moves! Get ready to meet loads of cool chess kids at camp!

It's all about fun and games, with endless opportunities to play and have a blast! Sharpen your brain with mind-boggling puzzles and amaze everyone with your genius moves on the awesome interactive chessboard.

Experience the excitement of Tal's legendary games by reenacting thrilling moments with your new camp buddies. It's a chess showdown you won't want to miss!

You could also try studying Tal’s games on your own. There are some really great books and Chessable Courses too.

Guest Article Writer:

Luke Everett from Magnus Chess Academy. Luke was taught how to play chess when he was six years old. Learning about pins and forks from an Australian neighbor created an enduring fascination for the game. Luke is part of the online coaching team at MCA and is in charge of special projects, like creating super fun summer camps for kids who love chess.