Most Common Opening Traps

This is a quick guide to a video series.

In this series we cover the opening traps and blunders that crop up the most through millions of games kids are playing against each other around the world. The perspective is to teach the student to avoid these blunders-- explaining how they arise and what a correct alternative would be. By and large the videos are aimed at a beginner level.

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MCOT 1 The Center Fork Trick: Definitely the most common opening mistake of all time! *Everyone* needs to know this one.

MCOT 2 E-File Accident: This is probably the second most common opening disaster, because it is what happens when the black player tries to copy-cat white, a natural idea for most kids to explore. Well, here's why it doesn't work!

MCOT 3 Surprise Knight Check: A really unusual mating pattern that can occur at the very beginning of the game from a few different openings. A good one to be aware of that will open the student's eyes to the dangers all around!

MCOT 4 Moving the F-Pawn: Explains (and shows) why the f-pawn is not suitable for bolstering your center in e4 e5 openings.

MCOT 5 The Obstinate Liver: If your opponent avoids the Fried Liver Attack, you have to give up on it, and play a different game. If you insist... you'll find yourself getting fried like in these two traps.

If the student likes these videos, they might also like the slightly more advanced series Oooooops! Opening Disasters, in which they are asked to play a more active role in understanding the mechanism behind early disasters.

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