My Road to IM: A GM Level Performance Part 2

Hi ChessKids! I'm back with part two of my experience at the Sparkassen A Open in Dortmund; you can find the first article here.

Game Recap

Round 6: Tim Ronge (2232) vs. FM Shreyas Royal (2353)

I was now playing an ambitious adult working very hard for the IM title. He had some good results in this tournament as well. He completely surprised me in the opening, playing a very sharp line in the King’s Gambit, which he had prepared the whole morning.

I had to play accurately, which I failed to do and got a worse position. However, I made a good comeback and managed to draw the game. I was a bit annoyed, due to the fact the two games so far which I could not win were due to sharp lines in the opening...

End of Round 6: 4.5/6


Round 7: FM Shreyas Royal vs. Maleki Manuel (2237)

I was playing as white against a solid player from France. It was another Catalan, but he deviated a bit, so I had to make some good plans, which I managed to do!

Construct a good plan for white:

e3! with the idea of getting the knight to e2 and then f4, which is a very good square for it since it attacks e6 and if he takes on f4, we get a favourable pawn structure with exf4 and a backward pawn for him on e6.

Now that he stops my plan, can you find my backup plan?

 Bb2! With the idea of getting the knight to c1 and then d3, where it can go to the favourable e5 square

Eventually, I got a favorable position and then a winning one, which I converted.

End of Round 7: 5.5/7


Round 8: GM Daniel Hausrath (2478) vs. FM Shreyas Royal (2353)

With the end of the tournament coming, I was now facing a strong German GM. I was a bit nervous about playing him... little did I know, it would be one of the best games I have ever played in my life so far!

I had prepared for his Réti opening and got into an interesting position with two knights vs two bishops. What compensated his two bishops was that they were passive, but I had to be energetic to make use of it. I felt it was the right moment and charged the h-pawn down the board. I was soon close to checkmating him, but he was just surviving with the fianchetto bishop. But, I had it all planned out and found a nice combination: 

Find the winning combination for black

 Check the answer on move 25 from black in the game below

End of Round 8: 6.5/8


Round 9: FM Shreyas Royal (2353) vs. GM Max Warmerdam (2610)

In the final round, I was playing the leader and eventual winner of the tournament with 8/9 (7.5/8 before this game). I was again a bit nervous, due to his intense preparation of sharp lines, so I decided to play a sideline but a safe line vs the King's Indian Defense.

He was surprised, but not any less confident: roaming around the room constantly, looking around confidently, moving pieces confidently, playing quickly. The momentum suddenly changed, when in a slightly worse position, he went for an interesting exchange sacrifice, which he had clearly misevaluated.

Now he was spending a lot of time, head on hands, fully concentrated, sighing and shaking his head a lot. It was a difficult and complicated position, but I had a winning advantage (+2). That was when he offered a draw, and due to exhaustion, complications and playing a stronger player, I happily accepted the offer a few moments later! He won the tournament with 8/9, crushing 7 opponents, and the only game he was lost was against me, which made me feel elated!

End of Round 9: 7/9


Conclusion and Pictures:

WOW! That was an amazing and enjoyable journey! I got joint 3rd and a performance rating of 2492. I really hoped you enjoyed reading this article, and stay tuned for more updates coming up in the future! Here are some fun pictures:

 Me discussing my game with Max Warmerdam

 Another picture with Warmerdam, but somehow I did not realize Vishy was in the background!

 Final day celebration with my German club! See if you can spot me and Super GM Pavel Eljanov!

Some of my club members from the club SV Erkenschwick 1923