Oooooops! Opening Disasters!

This is a quick guide to a video series:

In each of these videos a short game is presented. The student is then asked to try to identify where the loser of the game went wrong. By using their critical thinking to try to discover that mistake, the student will improve their understanding of proper opening play.

Of course, each video completes with the lecturer explaining the most important error that lead the loser to Oooooopstown, so the student can compare their thoughts, and be sure to understand it properly.

This series is best viewed *after* having watched first "Rules to the Opening" and then "How Masters Think: The Opening."

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Oooooops! Episode 1: Prepare to see a true opening disaster!

Oooooops! Episode 2: IM David Pruess dives into another opening disaster: an age old "trap" which has slain many chess players, novices and experts alike! 

Oooooops! Episode 3: Welcome back to Ooopsville, where mistakes are made and games end quickly. Can you spot the opening mistake that led to disaster? 

Oooooops! Episode 4: When your world comes crashing down around you, you may wonder: "WHERE DID IT ALL GO WRONG!?!?!?"

Well! At this point, the student should have a pretty good grasp on opening play! You can check back in for future episodes of Oooooops! that will be added.

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