Pandolfini's Puzzler #4 - Less is More

The fourth article from ProfessorPando has a big trick in it. Take your time and see if you can spot the trap - don't rush in to this one!
“Lucian,” Professor Pandolfini intoned, “please look at the next setup.”
“Let’s assume the following. You have White. It is your move. And you have a winning game. 
Question: “Do you see how to checkmate Black in two moves?” 
At first, Lucian thought he had the right answer. Then he stopped himself, thought some more, and changed his mind. “I thought I had the right answer,” he said. “But I was wrong. It’s not a mistake, however, unless it’s played on the board.”
What was the wrong move Lucian thought of first? 
What was the right move Lucian thought of second?
Answers Below - Try to solve ProfessorPando's Puzzle first!
Answer to Puzzler #4
The first move that Lucian thought of was 1. f8=Q??, which gives stalemate
The second move Lucian thought of was 1. f8=R! (next diagram), which leads to mate next move.
Take note
Most of the time one promotes a pawn to a new queen. But sometimes it’s better to go for an underpromotion -- for a knight, bishop, or rook. 
You might underpromote to avoid stalemate.
Or you might underpromote specifically to a knight -- either to give immediate mate or a winning fork.

