Perpetual Check Part Two

By Grandmaster Alex Yermolinsky

What Makes a Draw?  

Perpetual Check - Part Two 
Pieces other than the queen, by themselves, don't have that much power. So these pieces will need help in setting up a perpetual check. Let's begin with the most unlikely heroes - our bishops and knights...
In the next example Black has a choice of two checks, but only one of them is right.
The rook, as a more powerful piece, has a better chance to save the game for you, but it also needs help. The opponent's king will try to come closer to the rook as it gives checks.



The rook also works together nicely with pieces other than the king. The following pattern is very common, and you would do well memorizing it.
Finally, a puzzle for you to solve. The first move is easy to find, but then it gets trickier...
Thanks, and I hope you enjoyed this series on "what makes a draw in the game of chess"!