Remove the Defender - QUIZ 3!!

This is a Review Quiz for the Remove the Defender 3 Video. Go watch it!

Hi guys! Multitasking can be great from time to time, but it's not always easy for chess pieces to get away with it. In these positions, one chess piece is doing too many things at once...find out who, and use this fact to win material, or maybe even create a checkmate!!

Make sure to watch the video first, and then...enjoy!

Liked this quiz? Make sure to take Quiz 1 and Quiz 2, as well! If you miss any problems, make sure to go back and try them again!

Puzzle 1 - WHITE TO PLAY and win material:















Puzzle 2: WHITE TO PLAY and checkmate in 2.















Puzzle 3: White to play, and win material. THIS ONE IS HARD!















Puzzle 4: White to play and WIN EVERYTHING, mwahahaha