Remove the Guard...Save the Princess

Remove the Guard...Save the Princess... by, Ms Jessica Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Dear Kids,

        Have you been playing chess lately?  Of course you have.  Good for you.

You are probably too young to remember The Original Legend of Zelda.  That's okay.  Suffice it to say, Zelda was a pretty cool video game back in the Days Before XBOX.  The idea was you had to save the princess, and there were all these crazy obstacles in your way.  There were dungeon bosses, and these strange little frozen snail things and snouty orange monsters...  And somehow you had to get rid of the guard to get inside the castle.



Imagine there was some other creature in Zelda who was on your team. 

If he pounced on the guard, then the gates would open!guard.gif

So, let's say in chess, the Knight is the one guarding the castled King, and we have to use our Rook to eliminate the Knight, and send him to time out, while our Queen gives a checkmate safely guarded by, maybe a Bishop.

Here is what I mean:


When you remove the guard, you get the treasure!  Remember that a lot of tactics work well in combination.  You should now be familiar with the double attack or fork, pins and skewers, discovered and double checks, and decoy and deflection!  Let's combine some tricks.  In the next puzzle, you will remove the guard and then make a fork.
Destruction can be fun!
I'm going to go roller skating pretty soon.  Have you ever been roller skating?  My friends and I play this game called soccer skating, it's pretty much soccer on skates.  So to win you have to try to get the goalie away from the goal so you can kick the ball in.  And it's a team game, so one person usually sacrifices himself for the team.
Help me win the next game!
Nice one!  Thanks!
I hope you learned a lot today.  Try my new soccer skating game, and don't play too much Zelda, it will rot your brain (and you need your brain for a few things, I've learned, especially for chess).
Until next time, teach your little sister to play chess!a_boy_and_girl_playing_chess_royalty_free_080824-218192-781047.jpg
Ms Martin