Bonjour friends! Now we will learn how to skewer our opponents in the endgame. Have you seen the skewer videos first? You must know how to win with a king and a rook to win these final positions. Don't remember? Click on me.
There will be 4 puzzles for you. Some are easy, medium, or hard. Solve them all, take yourself out for ice cream! Hooray!
1. Easy. Skewer the king to the rook. White to move.
2. Medium. Make a skewer in two moves. Black moves first. (Hint: Black is trying to promote a pawn, but maybe it can be sacrificed.)
3. Mediumish. Make a discovered double check! Then skewer the king to the rook. White to move.
4. Hard. Set up a skewer. If the king comes closer, check him away. White to skewer and win the rook in three moves.
A snap?
Well, tune in next week for some trophy-style hard puzzles. Skewer away!