Seriously Semi-Smothered Mate: Venus Fly Trap Missing an Arm

Seriously Semi-Smothered Mate: The Venus Fly Trap Missing an Arm...By, Ms Jessica Martin (aka BoundingOwl)

Dear children (and adults?),

Today we will learn how the venus fly trap mate, the smothered mate, also works with petals missing.  Even half a venus fly trap is dangerous!


This checkmate pattern works by forcing your opponent to smother himself.  (Smother means you can't breathe.)  Isn't that nice?

Here is what you need:

1.  A knight that can jump to the mating square (f7 usually).

2.  Your opponent's king wide open.

3.  A ruthless appetite for crushing insects.

4.  I was just kidding about number 3.

Watch how we do it:



Remember, don't sacrifice your queen because it looks pretty.  Be sure you have an actual checkmate coming up very soon.  Or you'll be very sorry.  Very.   Sorry.

Try this puzzle where black goes first.




Did you notice that black could play 1...Nf2+ first?  Sure, but that only wins the exchange (after 2.Rxf2 and 2...Qxf2).  Which, BORING!  Now that you know this semi-smothered pattern you will look further.  Even at crazy queen sacrifices!

Good!  I am saving the hard ones for next week!  Checkmate back soon.  See the article on the Venus Fly Trap in the meantime for review.

Yes.  Reviewing is good.

Your friend,

Ms Martin  Kiss

p.s.  Did you know that hippos are the most dangerous animal in Africa?  Their mouths can open four feet (as big as you) and yet, they are vegetarian!  YAY!