Solitaire Chess Quiz 2

Solitaire Chess Quiz 2, by, Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl)

Guten abend, friends.  Good evening!  I hope you have been practicing chess every single day this summer.  It's time for another quiz!  If you don't remember what solitaire chess is, CLICK HERE.

In this game the Queen comes out early and starts dancing around the board like she owns it.  How can you take advantage?  Don't scroll down until you have chosen your answer!





What do you play here?  Think hard!

A.  a3    B.  Bc4    C. Bd3











Move 5 of this game, you should play:

A.  Bxf7+     B.  d3     C.  Nc3  









Move 8 you should:

A. play Qe1 and enjoy your battery   B.  play d3 and put an exclamation point after it (only when you are analyzing and your game is over!)  C.  play d4 and put an exclamation point after it (when your game is over)












Move 11, a crazycool move:

A.  Qh3+   B.  Nc3    C.  g4+


It's mate in two!



How did you do?
1.  (A) = 0 points! (B) = 5 points  (C) = 0 points!  (B) Bc4 attacks the center and continues to develop pieces.  If black wants to keep moving his queen around, we'll just let him.  But you have to develop your pieces to good squares!
2.  Move 5 is a trick!  (A) = 10 points  (B) = 5 points  (C) = 0 points.  The correct answer is (A) Bxf7+!!  This is a sneaky move.  If Kxf7 you have Ng5 forking the queen and king.  Did you see that?  Don't just sac your bishop because it's fun.  You have to actually get some compensation.  What's wrong with Nc3?
3.  Move 8 is also a trick!  (A) = 2 points  (B) = 0 points  (C) = 5 points.  The correct answer is (C) d4!  This move is a discovered attack on the queen but ALSO guards the rook.  Notice how d3 isn't quite good enough.  That's more what we call a "Hoping Move".  (Hopefully he doesn't see I'm attacking his queen and I can just eat it next turn!)  Qe1 does make a battery, but it's not going anywhere, sadly.
NOTE:  You can't put any ! or ? or other marks on your paper until your game is over, though.  Tournament rules!!
4.  (A) = 2 points  (B) = 2 points  (C) = 10 points!  (C) g4+!  leads to mate next move.  Did you find it?  
The best score is 30 points.  How close did you get?  Maybe you got 100% Cool !  You can always play solitaire chess by yourself (the word solitaire is French for alone).  Find a great game and cover up the moves.  Guess the next best move in the game and you're on your way to big improvements!