Starting Off the Summer Right: Part Three

This was going to be the first round in the tournament where I was playing someone with a higher FIDE rating. He tried something that I realized was preparation for me, and so I decided to test out a new opening I had been looking at recently that caught him off guard.

Pieces were traded off, and soon we arrived at this position with white to move. 

My opponent had just played ...c5, with the idea that after my rook moved away, ...c4 would lead to the exchange of my bishop for his knight. After all the trades were done, he would end up taking on a2, which leads to an unclear but probably still drawish position.

However, ..c5 is a huge blunder! Can you find the winning tactical shot? Solution is down below the happy knight!


Bxf7! is completely winning. The king is driven out to the center of the board, and Black must give the piece back to avoid being checkmated. The rest of the game can be seen here. 


 Hope you got that one right ChessKids!