Student Game: Non-Traditional Sicilian Leads To Traditional Checkmate

A great thing about notating your games is that your coach can find them years later and show them off to everyone!  This is a game between two of my students, both of whom are still playing, when they were little chess-playing kiddies.  Black tried a new opening for him: the Sicilian.  Watch what happens, and see if you can guess the ending!  By, Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl).

White has just made a mistake by opening up his kingside castle.  Black decides to attack!  What would you play next to get a heavy piece involved?
That's right!  With the knight on h5, it could next go to f4 to block the bishop on c1.  You saw him, right?  Then the queen can come in for mate!  White tried to counterattack on the other side of the board.  Good distraction idea!!
Your turn!  Should black capture back?  Or does he have an awesome intermezzo?  Check isn't everything,...unless it can lead to checkmate threats!
OK, white kinda fell into mate here.  It might have been avoided with Qg4 offering a queen trade?  (When should you trade queens?)
As a coach, it's your job to find positive comments and suggestions for both sides.  Do you have any?
I think both sides had some smart tactics, and they both could have developed better.  Great work, everyone!