Super Pawns: Path to Promotion

Super Pawns:  Path to, Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl)


Bonjour!  Welcome to more chess.  In this article we will talk about why pawns are super.  Pawns can do many great things, one of which is called en passant, which we will not be talking about here.  Another great thing is called promotion (click for video).  Promotion occurs when a pawn reaches the other side of the board.  It can turn into any piece that it wants except for a king (and it can't remain a pawn, which is kinda obvious right?  You would be very bored at the end of the board since you can't go backwards).  Most people choose to turn into a queen!


Today we will solve some endgame puzzles where the goal is to promote a pawn.  Pawns promote much more often in the endgame because there aren't as many pieces on the board to block the little guys.

Let's do the first one together.

Here black would like to promote her g pawn but the white king is stubbornly blocking it.  How can we lure the king out of the pawn's way?  We might have to sacrifice something.  What is the most forcing type of move?  A CHECK.

Your turn!

White to move wins material.  Even if we lose our promoted pawn we can capture their queen in two moves.

This puzzle is for white and black to move.  Start with white to move.  If you can make a discovered check, the pawn won't have a chance to get captured.

Now black's turn.  It's mate in two!  Just remove the blocking king king.  (Oh sorry, just one king, not three.)  It's also my favourite checkmate:  the Swallow's Tail Mate!

This is a bonus puzzle!  It's tricky so I'm going to break it into separate parts.  First, notice you can't promote safely because the black bishop will just capture your pawn. How can you reposition your own bishop so that he blocks the black one?

Good!  Now, black has captured your bishop.  Which is fine.  Once you promote, though, notice it's not check.  That gives black a chance to move.  Of course black is going to promote, too!  But his queen won't last long.  Do you see a skewer?

Excellent work!  Don't forget about your SUPER little guys in your next game!

Tip:  Pawns are powerful in the endgame.  Destroy their blockaders and promote!