Tactics from the 2014 NC K-12 State Championships
Hi guys,
Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka
BoundingOwl aka
Coach Jessica) here. I just got back from the North Carolina State Chess Championships, and I learned a few more things about the way kids play.
First, and perhaps most importantly, I heard the following three words repeated. LOOK, NOTICE, SEE. Mostly in the sentences, "I didn't see that I hung a piece," or, "I didn't notice he could checkmate me." "I forgot to look at what she was attacking." Have you ever said these things after a match?
How do we remedy such mistakes? Simple! Before every move, do a blunder check. That means physically PULL BACK your hand before actually making a move, and ask yourself if it's safe. LOOK at the whole board, NOTICE what's being attacked, SEE the threats.
Voila, rating jump.
Here are some specific tactics that I saw in my students' games. Can you solve these puzzles?
My student, Andrew, had White. His game lasted only three moves, and he was awfully thrilled. His opponent shrieked, "OH NO, this is checkmate!" and promptly moved his king so that it would be checkmated. And then he started crying. Poor guy! OK clearly Black could have just played 2.Nc6 and not checkmated himself, but here is a blunder never to forget!
The ever-popular Scholar's
Mate (aka four-move mate) was attempted over and over, sometimes to fruition. Connor lost with the following trick in round 5, then won with it in (along with Jake) in round 6.
It's so important to analyze your games with your coach so you can learn new tricks!
What should White play here to distract the guard? It turns out the knight is
pinned! Win a knight or the game.
Just to be clear: I'm not a big fan of the four-move mate. I mean, it's cute, it's easy, it's fun, yes. But it doesn't win all the time, and really it's not using your chess brain very much. Nevertheless, it's important to know all the tricks so you don't lose to this mate, either!
Here is another recurring trick. Black to move. White has just played d4.
Once you've seen it, you'll be all like...
But I can't tell you how many queens I saw hanging on g5...
We definitely had our share of defeats in this event, but it's not just about winning and losing, right? It's about learning and having fun! Go team! Send your
questions and tactics here, and you might be our lucky Wednesday Winner!
- Watch the beginning of "The Weakest Square" video series and you'll never get mated on f7 again;
- FunMasterMike shows some more complicated versions of checkmates on the same square;
- Everything you ever wanted to know about Scholar's Mate - parts one and two!