Tani vs. the World Is Back, This Time Against a GM

FM Tani Adewumi will take on GM Jesse Kraai in the next episode of 'Tani vs. The World!'

This exciting event will take place on May 12th at 2 pm Pacific Time/5 pm Eastern Time. Tani’s goal is to become the world’s youngest-ever GM, and these special training matches are all part of his journey.

You can watch the entire match on twitch.tv/chesskid or Chess.com/TV.

Tani has played two ‘Tani vs. the World’ matches so far, against IM Justus Williams and IM Kostya Kavutskiy. He put on a strong performance in the first match, and he won the second!

Getting experience and testing his skills against titled players is all part of Tani’s quest to become a GM. Last time around, the young prodigy already had the title of FIDE Master with an official rating of 2188. He has since improved to a FIDE rating of 2305 and received his first IM norm!

His opponent this time will be GM Jesse Kraai, an American grandmaster and Chess Dojo sensei who won the 1987 National Junior High School Championship, as well as the Denker Tournament of High School Champions in 1989 and 1990.

Match Format:

60 mins of 5+1
45 mins of 3+1
30 mins of 1+1

Tune in on Chess.com/TV, Twitch.tv/chesskid, or Youtube.com/chesskidofficial. This special match will be hosted by FM Mike Klein (FunMasterMike) and fellow Dojo Sensei IM David Pruess (sometimes known as PlayfulSquirrel in his other life).

Missed a previous episode of Tani vs the World? You’ll find a recap of the first episode against FM IM Justus Williams here, and a recap of Tani’s match against IM Kostya Kavutskiy here.