Teaching Different Levels: Top 3

One of the many challenges that coaches face in their after-school clubs is teaching to all of the different levels. Let's look at three ways to start off your chess clubs this school year!

1. Assessment - One great way is to make up a sheet of six to nine chess problems and question that covers basic rules, simple checkmates, and basic tactics. Make sure to tell the class that it is OK if you do not know the answer, and the test is just way to group everyone with others that are close in skill level. The experienced players will quickly answer the castling and en passant questions, while the students new to chess will be raising their hands with questions.

2. Create Small Groups - The assessment allows the coach to place the students into small and manageable groups. Name the group after chess pieces, different fruits, or animals -- be creative! During the class the coach can call up a specific group to the demo-board to have a lesson that is appropriate for their skill level.

3. Keep Track - Have the students keep track of their wins and losses within their group - you can use a basic results document on each table. If you see a student winning most of their games you can move them up to the next group. Make a big deal about the "graduation" from one group to another. This will motivate the students to play their games seriously, and to pay attention during the lessons.

This will help everyone feel comfortable while creating a learning environment for the students to enjoy. Good luck to everyone this school year!