The Fried Liver Attack

This is a quick guide to a video series:

This series actually covers more than just the famous Fried Liver attack-- it covers several interesting variations black can play after white plays e4 Nf3 Bc4 Ng5 going for the Fried Liver Attack. The first video should be watched by beginners, but after that videos 2-4 are for intermediate and then videos 5-10 for advanced levels. Video 11 is for beginners, telling you how to avoid all the complexity of videos 2-11! You can learn a lot of good opening ideas, king-hunting (and running!) skills, and tactics from this series.

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The Fried Liver Attack: Introduces the Fried Liver Attack, showing the main idea behind it.

The First Fried Liver Game: Goes over an entire fantastic Fried Liver game, to show the student what the full course of such a game looks like.

Going on a King Hunt: Another complete model game shows the great Paul Morphy going king-hunting.

The Bizarre Na5: This video covers black's most common defense to the Fried Liver Attack-- avoiding it by sacrificing a pawn!

Nxe4?!: This video looks at another sacrificial option for black to avoid white's Fried Liver Attack. This one's pretty crazy, but the featured game is beautiful!!

The Terrifying Traxler Attack: There is one more crazy, king-hunting, piece-sacrificing, caution-to-the-wind option for black against white's early attack on f7: the Traxler! This video introduces the point of the variation, and shows the first ever Traxler game.

The Attacking Traxler Again! We learn more about the risks of black's attack with another model game, and another white king running through the center of the board!

Madness Traxler Bonus!! The PinkHamster shows us the most incredible game ever played in the Traxler-- some would say the most incredible game ever!! Be warned: this one's really advanced!

Fried Hamster?!! The PinkHamster brings us a real game he played against a ChessKid, pitting his Fried Liver against the ChessKid's Traxler.

The Fried Liver 10: How Masters Think: Here we get to listen in on the Hamster's move-by-move thinking process as he battles another ChessKid in the Fried Liver.

Avoiding the Fried Liver: This video is for beginners and players who would rather avoid all the craziness that we see in the Fried Liver Attack. It shows a development move order to avoid the Fried Liver-- at no cost-- from the beginning.

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