When We Were Chess Kids

This is a quick guide to a video series.

In this series, our video authors think back to some of their first experiences as tournament chess players-- back when they themselves were Chess Kids! These stories are sometimes accompanied by an old game, but given the passage of time, many of them are just simply stories. Thus, these videos are for any and all levels, and are just meant to be entertaining and inspiring.

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First Tourney Story: IM Rensch: Now-International Master Daniel Rensch tells the story of the first chess tournament he ever went to.

IM Pruess' First Tourney: Now-International Master David Pruess tells the story of his first ever visit to a chess club, who he met there, and what he remembers of the first game he ever played in a tournament.

Hamster vs Squirrel: Beginning of a Friendship: PinkHamster knew how to write down chess moves, even as a little kid! And more than 15 years later, he still was able to find the first game he played with PlayfulSquirrel at the Berkeley Chess School's Friday Night kid's tournament! See the entire historic game from which arose an epic friendship! 

My Biggest Upset: David Petty's first adult tournament should have been scary for him, but instead it turned into a nightmare for a very strong and experience ChessAdult!


My First Major Tournament: A long video with a few funny stories about PlayfulSquirrel's first big adult tournament, and the first game he ever played against that scary monster, a Chess Master!

Becoming a Bishop: The PlayfulSquirrel tells about a very intense tournament experience he had at the Berkeley Bishops Qualifier Tournament in 1993.

You Can Beat Anybody: The PinkHamster remembers the very same 1993 Berkeley Bishops Qualifier Tournament (from the previous video), in which he learned a valuable lesson.

If You Don't Know, Ask: New video author, FIDE Master Elliott Liu, tells a story about his very first chess game at his very first chess tournament.

We will be adding more, so check back again later!

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