Wizard Attacks

A Wizard Attack is a powerful combination of tactics that POOF! ends up with extra material! Chess pieces suddenly are forced to fly wherever the Wizard wants, and she instantly finds double attacks on hanging pieces. How good are your magician's skills? By, Mrs Jessica E Prescott (aka BoundingOwl).


Here is an example of some serious wizardry. Every black piece is protected (except Rh8 which we can't get to). And Black's king seems to be safe and cozy in his castle. But maybe you noticed the powerful bishop hanging back on f2? And the black knight on e5 is only protected one time, and attacked once, too? Watch what happens!

Awesome! Did you see how the queen and bishop created a battery aiming at the black king? The rook or the game will be lost!Surprised White was able to force Black into hanging a piece. Cool magic trick!  
Now you try. It'll be White to move. Black's pieces are all defended. But hey, do you see one that is "loose" (attacked once, guarded once)? It turns out, Black's rook is overworked. Find a double attack in two moves!
White to move and double attack in two. First, you'll have to zap some pieces in your way! Uncover the secret door, and you'll attack Black's hanging pieces...
Black's pieces are awfully loose. Can you double attack in two?
I think your wizard skills are good enough for you to try a real toughie! There are going to be lots of captures on e7. Then, you might notice that the Black queen was overworked!
Great problem solving wizardry kids! Aren't double attacks fun? It is good to be a magician sometimes, and always look for loose and hanging pieces to destroy. See you next time! It's time for a cup of tea!