Chess Notation Sheet

Are you planning to play in an over-the-board tournament? If you don’t have chess notation sheets, you aren’t ready. Also known as chess score sheets, they are indispensable for recording the moves that you make during a game. Here are sheets that you can download as well as information about them that you need to know.

Chess Notation Sheet To Download

Chess Notation Sheet

Chess Score Book

Using Chess Notation Sheets

Physically writing down the moves of a chess game is required at many over-the-board tournaments, unlike when you play online and moves are recorded automatically for you by a chess website such as ChessKid. If you don’t know how to notate correctly, you cannot participate in important chess tournaments.

To use a score sheet, you need to understand chess notation, which is a system of recording and describing moves of both players in a game. Before you enter a tournament, you should practice recording your moves for several games. Then reset the chessboard and make the moves that you recorded. Did you record the moves correctly? After you have practiced annotating moves for several games, you will be better prepared to use a notation sheet at a tournament.

 ChessKid chess tournament
Recording moves at tournaments is important. 

Why Chess Score Sheets Are Important

At tournaments, chess score sheets are often used to resolve problems during games, such as when a move is disputed and a record is needed to show how the moves have been made. Having a sheet that shows the moves of a game is much better than relying on the memory of the players.

In addition to their use during a tournament, the sheets are helpful in other ways too. After a tournament has ended, always save your chess notation sheets to study later. Every chess player from beginner to master needs to continually improve their chess skills by reviewing their past games and identifying poor moves to avoid in the future and strong moves to repeat when similar positions occur on the chessboard. Studying past games is an important way to improve chess skills, and notation sheets can help you review games alone by yourself or with a chess coach.

FunMasterMike uses chess notation sheets
FunMaster Mike says to use chess notation sheets.

Game results are very important for chess coaches to review as they help their students improve. For coaches to analyze how the games have been played, records of moves are indispensable.

Chess Resources From ChessKid

Look to ChessKid to provide the resources that you need as you embrace playing chess as a hobby and to help you on your chess journey. ChessKid is the most fun and safest chess site in the world. In addition to being a favorite of kids and their parents, teachers, and coaches, we are recognized across the globe as the leader in scholastic chess. We help kids learn to play chess and enjoy their journey as they grow in chess skills.

Chess pawn speaking about using score sheets

And we are more than simply a helpful resource for learning the game of chess. On ChessKid, kids can play with other kids (or computers), join clubs, participate in events, receive awards, solve puzzles, analyze games, make friends, form groups, and connect with coaches — all under the watchful eyes of their parents, teachers, and coaches.

Pad Of Carbonless-Copy Score Sheets

In addition to these free sheets on this webpage that you can download, you can also obtain a pack of 100 sheets from the ChessKid Shop. Each score sheet comes with two pages — a white copy and a yellow copy with no messy carbon page in between. Each sheet is one-sided and holds 60 moves. These carbonless-copy sheets are ideal for tournaments where you have to submit a copy of your game and want to retain a record for yourself. For more information about this product, visit the ChessKid Shop.

Pad of ChessKid score sheetsPads of ChessKid score sheets can be obtained from the ChessKid Shop.

Download ChessKid's Score Sheets For Free